Every Year Businesses Leave Over $35 billion in Government Funds Unclaimed

July 8, 2022

-Including Thousands of Assisted Living Residences Throughout the Country

Every Year Businesses Leave Over $35 billion in Government Funds Unclaimed

-Including Thousands of Assisted Living Residences Throughout the Country.

According to studies and surveys conducted by independent think tanks, publications, and economic development organizations, billions of federal, state, and local dollars are unclaimed by small, midsize, and large employers. When people think about government incentive programs and subsidies, they believe these funds are only available for larger employers such as Amazon, Chevron, UPS, Boeing, Home Depot, IBM, or other global and national behemoths. However, when you dig a little deeper, the reality is that these funds
are available to employers of all sizes  , especially during the pandemic. Billions of dollars in Covid relief funding have been allocated for small and midsize businesses with five hundred (500) or fewer employees.

To provide you with how much funding is available,
an employer that as few as 20 employees could receive up to $520,000 in cash. This amount of government funding is usually reserved for larger employers. However, these are atypical times. Therefore, every business, especially the hardest hit by the pandemic, such as assisted living operators, must carefully evaluate every financial program available.

Why would you want to leave money on the table if you are eligible?  We do not believe small and midsize business owners do this intentionally. Usually, small businesses do not have the time to research all the funding sources available. Also, staff time and resources are necessary to claim these government dollars. Small and midsize employers also rely on well-intentioned CPAs, bookkeepers, and other trusted advisors to provide guidance. However, in the case of the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), where billions of dollars are available for small businesses, the rules, qualifications, and guidance have changed frequently. For one of the major programs available for small business owners, the program rules changed four times. Early on in the pandemic, a CPA or bookkeeper may have reviewed the program and determined at that time that the business was not eligible. But after reviewing the most recent guidance, eligibility was now an option. Under the newest program guidelines, eligibility is highly likely for assisted living residences. Even if a business received PPP loan(s), they are still eligible.

Sample Set or Actual Clients Awarded ERC funding.

Assisted Living Operator Georgia  -  $455,493.96

Assisted living operator Arizona  -  $73,996.25

Senior Healthcare Provider  -  $1,284,814.84

Independent School  -  $2,955,026.90

Physical Therapist  -  $53,537.84

Fantastic Sams Franchisee  -  $167,401.04

Drywall Company  -  $257,520.71

Fitness Studio  -  $31,779.91

Manufacturing Co.  -  $627,211.00

Doctor’s Office  -  $59,392.14

Is my assisted living facility eligible for this funding?  Members of Economic Incentives Advisory Group (EIAG) have managed credits and incentives for over 23 years. They are currently helping Assisted Living Residence Operators determine eligibility at no cost. If it is determined that you are eligible, they offer a unique service model. There are no fees until you receive your Covid relief funding through the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Program. It is taking approximately 17-20 weeks to receive your ERC funding.

To schedule a 15-minute phone call to determine your company’s eligibility for this Covid relief funding, visit: https://calendly.com/eiag-team/fed-covid-relief-funds-daalr

Or Contact an EIAG team member directly:

Lisa Prichard | lprichard@eiagincent.com | (602) 796.2002 

Mike Wissink | mwissink@eiagincent.com | (602) 828.3003

Bryant Colman | bcolman@eiagincent.com | (916) 823.2813


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